Tehvandi Spordikeskuse staadion
Kergejõustiku- ja jalgpallistaadionStadium | athletics, cross country skiing, football, nordic combined |
Purpose | other stadium |
Length of the stadium | 160 (m) |
Width of the stadium | 90 (m) |
Oval running track | no |
Length of the oval running track | (m) |
Water jump | no |
Straight | yes |
Number of the straights | 1 |
1. | |
Length of the straight | 110 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 8 |
Surface | synthetic surface |
Specification of the track surface | tartaankate, polytan WS |
Year of the surface installation | 2010 |
Midfield footballl field | yes |
Length of the football field | 100 (m) |
Width of the football field | 64 (m) |
Midfield surface | grass |
Specification of the midfield surface | naturaalne jalgpallimuru |
Year of the midfield surface installation | 2010 |
Long and triple jump areas | 1 |
Pole vault areas | 1 |
High jump areas | 1 |
Javelin throwing areas | 1 |
Shot put throwing circles | 2 |
Discus and hammer throw circle | 1 |
Artificial light | yes |
Illuminance | 200 (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | yes |
Additional information for the scoreboards | jalgpallis elektrooniline, kergejõustikus manuaalne |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Stationary seats | 3144 |
Incl. sheltered seats | 2144 |
Seats in total | 3144 |
Athletics | |
Cross country skiing | |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 1 |
Soccer fields with international requirements (min 90x45m) | 1 |
Nordic combined |

Organisation | Sport |
Eesti Spordiselts Põhjakotkas | Skiing |
Eesti Vaimsete Puuetega Inimeste Spordiliit | Skiing |
Jalgpalliklubi FC Otepää | Football |
MTÜ A.B.G Westliches Mittelgebirge | Skiing |
MTÜ Kagu Biathlon | Biathlon |
MTÜ Karupesa Team | Nordic combined |
Mäesuusaklubi Väike-Munamägi | Skiing |
Spordiklubi TT | Biathlon |
Tartu Spordiselts "Kalev" | Athletics |