Kadrioru Staadion
Kadrioru Staadioni peaareenStadium | athletics, football |
Purpose | athletics and soccer stadium |
Length of the stadium | 179 (m) |
Width of the stadium | 93 (m) |
Oval running track | yes |
Length of the oval running track | 400 (m) |
Number of the lanes in bends | 8 |
Number of the lanes at the front straight | 8 |
Number of the lanes at the opposite straight | 8 |
Water jump | yes |
Straight | yes |
Number of the straights | 2 |
1. | |
Length of the straight | 110 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 8 |
2. | |
Length of the straight | 110 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 8 |
Surface | synthetic surface |
Specification of the track surface | Mondotrack SX 12-14mm (WA sertifikaat S-08-0082), tootja ja paigaldaja Mondo S.p.A (Itaalia), 2011 ; Sportflex Super X 720 K39, Mondo S.p.a., (WA sertifikaat S-99-0006), paigaldaja Spesifix OY(Soome) |
Year of the surface installation | 2011; osaline uuendus (odavise, teivashüpe, kaugushüpe) 2021.a |
Midfield footballl field | yes |
Length of the football field | 105 (m) |
Width of the football field | 66 (m) |
Midfield surface | grass |
Specification of the midfield surface | Siirdmuru, paigaldaja Finnurmi OY (Soome) |
Year of the midfield surface installation | 2001 |
Long and triple jump areas | 1 |
Pole vault areas | 2 |
High jump areas | 2 |
Javelin throwing areas | 1 |
Shot put throwing circles | 2 |
Discus and hammer throw circle | 1 |
Artificial light | no |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | yes |
Additional information for the scoreboards | Täisvärviline (RGB), LED-tehnoloogial videotabloo, ekraani suurus 40m2, võimaldab andmete, graafika, TV- pildi edastamist, valmistaja ja paigaldaja Darepro OY (Soome) |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Stationary seats | 5000 |
Incl. sheltered seats | 1300 |
Seats in total | 5000 |
Additional information | Istekohtadeks toolid. WA sertifikaadiga E-99-0168 vasara- ja kettaheite kaitsevõrk (Artec Sportgeräte, Saksamaa). 2024.a ehitati välja peaareeni valgustus. Neli 50 m masti UEFA illuminance Level B, Eh ave 1849 lux. |
Athletics | |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 1 |
Soccer fields with international requirements (min 90x45m) | 1 |
Kadrioru Staadioni kergejõustiku harjutusväljakStadium | athletics, football |
Purpose | athletics and soccer stadium |
Length of the stadium | 125 (m) |
Width of the stadium | 75 (m) |
Oval running track | yes |
Length of the oval running track | 300 (m) |
Number of the lanes in bends | 3 |
Number of the lanes at the front straight | 4 |
Number of the lanes at the opposite straight | 4 |
Water jump | no |
Straight | yes |
Number of the straights | 2 |
1. | |
Length of the straight | 100 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 4 |
2. | |
Length of the straight | 110 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 4 |
Surface | synthetic surface |
Specification of the track surface | Sportflex Super X 720 K39,13 mm, Mondo S.p.a.(Itaalia), WA sertifikaat S-99-0006, paigaldaja Spesifix OY (Soome) |
Year of the surface installation | 2021 |
Midfield footballl field | yes |
Length of the football field | 82 (m) |
Width of the football field | 55 (m) |
Midfield surface | grass |
Specification of the midfield surface | siirdmuru, paigaldaja Vihervakka OY (Soome) |
Year of the midfield surface installation | 2020 |
Long and triple jump areas | 2 |
Pole vault areas | 1 |
High jump areas | 1 |
Javelin throwing areas | 1 |
Shot put throwing circles | 2 |
Discus and hammer throw circle | 1 |
Artificial light | no |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Additional information | Kettaheite kaitsevõrk Polanik (Poola), tootekood KLD 17-5/7-A, WA sertifikaat E-17-0943. Uuendatud piirdeaed 3m, pallipüüdevõrk 8m. 2024.a rajati valgustus. Neli 25m masti Eh ave 299 lux. |
Athletics | |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 1 |
Kadrioru Staadioni jalgpalli harjutusväljakOutdoor soccer field | football, athletics |
Area | 5984 (m2) |
Length of the football field | 88 (m) |
Width of the football field | 68 (m) |
Surface | grass |
Specification of the surface | külvimuru |
Year of the surface installation | 1988 |
Artificial light | no |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Additional information | 7/10m vasara- ja kettaheite kaitsevõrk. Ei vasta uutele WA turvanõuetele. Vasaraheite võistluste korraldamisel ei tohi väljakul toimuda teisi tegevusi. 2024.a rajati valgustus. Neli 25m masti Eh 500lux. Lõplik mõõdistus teostatakse peale väljaku rekonstrueerimist. |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 1 |
Athletics |
Kadrioru Staadioni saepururadaOutdoor trail | athletics, health sport (running and walking) |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Staadioni territooriumil pargi osas, ovaalse kujuga |
Description | 330m pikkune, tõusudega saepururada |
Number of different tracks | 1 |
1. | |
Length of the track | 330 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 330 (m) |
Width of the track | 1 (m) |
Surface of the track | saepuru |
Athletics | |
Health sport (running and walking) |
Organisation | Sport |
Audentese Spordiklubi | Athletics |
Jalgpalliklubi Tallinna Kalev | Football |
MTÜ Tallinna Spordiakadeemia | Athletics |
Nõmme Spordiklubi | Athletics |
Spordiklubi Elite Sport | Athletics |
Spordiklubi Fortis | Athletics |
Spordiklubi Leksi 44 | Athletics |
Spordiklubi Raesport | Athletics |