Pallimängude saal
Area1152 (m2)
Length 36 (m)
Width32 (m)
Height12 (m)
Portable partitions1
Surface of the floorwood
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floorlaudparkett (Kanada vaher)
Year of the floor installation2019
Stationary seats
Portable seats300
Other seats76
Illuminance723 (lx)
Seats in total376
Electronic scoreboards2
Additional information for the scoreboardsmultifunktsionaalne tabloo, võimaldab rahvusvaheliste võistluste läbiviimist
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional informationPõrandale kantud korvpalli-, võrkpalli- ja sulgpalliväljakute jooned. Kui vahekardin on üleval, tekib ühele korv- ja võrkpalliväljakule rahvusvaheliste võistluste jaoks nõuetekohane vabaala.


Simultaneously usable badminton courts (13,4x6,1m)8
Badminton courts with sufficient clear space8


Standard basketball courts (28x15m)2
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m)1
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m)2
Basketball courts (26x14m)
Basketball courts (24x13m)
Simultaneously usable mini-basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)4


Standard volleyball courts (18x9m)2
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m)1
Standard volleyball courts with international requirements (34x19x12,5m)
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m)2
Simultaneously usable mini-volleyball courts (13,4x6,1m)
Area121.8 (m2)
Length of the mat covered area12 (m)
Width of the mat covered area8 (m)
Type of the mattatami
Portable partitions
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Additional information


Judo tatamiyes


Boxing ringno
Size of the boxing ringei
Area164.8 (m2)
Surface of the floorcarpet
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation2019
Portable partitions
EquipmentJooksurada (ilma mootorita), elliptical trainerellips (kogu keha kardiotrenažöör), spinninguratas, treadmill-jooksulint, cycle-siseratas (2tk), sõudeergomeeter (3tk), suusaergomeeter, viieosaline plokkidega treeningkeskus, dual funktsiooniga rinna ja õla tagaosa plokkmasin, reie esi- ja tagaosa dual plokkmasin, ketastega laetav jalapress 45 kraadi, dual funktsiooniga reie lähendaja/laiendaja plokkmasin, Smithi masin, kükiraam, dipi/lõuatõmbe/kõhulihaste raam, alaselja sirutuspink, kaldpink, reguleeritav kaldpink koos jalatoega (2tk), ketastega laetav seljatõmbe masin, horisontaalne rinnalt surumise kangipink, varbseinad (4tk), hantlite komplekt (1-10kg)
Additional information


Squat standyes
Press benchyes

Bodybuilding and fitness