Jüri Spordihoone
PallihallSports hall (for ballgames) | basketball, volleyball, badminton |
Area | 1050 (m2) |
Length | 35 (m) |
Width | 30 (m) |
Height | 7 (m) |
Portable partitions | 1 |
Surface of the floor | wood |
Portable sports floor | no |
Specification of the floor | Puitparkett, Kanada vaher |
Stationary seats | 60 |
Portable seats | 425 |
Illuminance | 730 (lx) |
Seats in total | 485 |
Electronic scoreboards | 2 |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 3 |
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 3 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 6 |
Volleyball | |
Standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 3 |
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m) | 3 |
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 3 |
Badminton | |
Simultaneously usable badminton courts (13,4x6,1m) | 6 |
Badminton courts with sufficient clear space | 6 |
VõimlaSports hall (for ballgames) | basketball, badminton, volleyball, table tennis |
Area | 629 (m2) |
Length | 37 (m) |
Width | 17 (m) |
Height | 10 (m) |
Portable partitions | 1 |
Surface of the floor | wood |
Portable sports floor | no |
Stationary seats | 216 |
Illuminance | 400 (lx) |
Seats in total | 216 |
Electronic scoreboards | 1 |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Additional information | 15 lauatenniselauda asuvad inventariruumis ning paigaldatakse pallimängusaali vastavalt vajadusele. |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 2 |
Badminton | |
Simultaneously usable badminton courts (13,4x6,1m) | 2 |
Volleyball | |
Standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 2 |
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 2 |
Table tennis | |
Simultaneously usable standard table tennis table | 15 |
KergejõustikusaalAthletics hall | athletics |
Description | 170 m2 saal kergejõustiku ja muude treeningute läbiviimiseks (sh rühmatreeningud). |
Athletics |
BudosaalSports hall with mats | judo |
Area | 130 (m2) |
Length of the mat covered area | 13 (m) |
Width of the mat covered area | 10 (m) |
Type of the mat | wrestling mat |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Judo | |
Judo tatami | yes |
Rühmatreeningute saal(Aerobics) Studio | group trainings |
Area | 154 (m2) |
Length | 14 (m) |
Width | 11 (m) |
Height | 3 (m) |
Surface of the floor | wood parquet |
Portable sports floor | no |
Mirror wall | yes |
Handrail | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Group trainings |
KardiosaalGym | rowing, group trainings |
Area | 141.414 (m2) |
Surface of the floor | PVC |
Equipment | Kardiosaal on mõeldud spinningu- ja sõudetrennide jaoks. Saali on paigaldatud 20+1 spinninguratast ja 5 sõudeergomeetrit. |
Rowing | |
Group trainings |
JõusaalGym | powerlifting, bodybuilding and fitness, weightlifting |
Area | 291 (m2) |
Surface of the floor | other |
Specification of the floor | SPORTEC PUR COLOR |
Year of the floor installation | 2020 |
Equipment | 4 jooksurada, 4 sõudeergomeetrit, 1 veloergomeeter, spinninguratas, jalapress, kükipuur, crosstrainer, säärte sirutamine ja painutamine, plokksüsteem sh ristivedu, lõuatõmbe kang, hantlid 1-40 kg, kõhulihaste pukk, alaselja pukk, säärtesirutuspukk, rööbaspuu, biitseps pukk, pec tec masin, istes õlasurumismasin, kaldpingid (tavapink ja negatiivse kaldega), kerged kangid 10-40 kg, seljatõmbe kang, TRX, varbsein |
Additional information | põrand on löögikindel, spetsiaalne tõstepõrand |
Powerlifting | |
Bar(bell) | yes |
Squat stand | yes |
Press bench | yes |
Bodybuilding and fitness | |
Weightlifting | |
Podium | yes |
PiljardiruumOther indoor sports facility | billiards |
Description | 1 piljardilaud asub spordihoone kohvikus. |
Billiards | |
Simultaneously usable standard billiard tables (6-12 ft) | 1 |
Game types | kolme pooli piljard |
BasseinIndoor swimming pool | swimming |
Length | 25 (m) |
Width | 8 (m) |
Number of the lanes | 4 |
Maximum depth | 2.05 (m) |
Minimum depth | 1.1 (m) |
Electronic scoreboard | yes |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Swimming |
LastebasseinIndoor swimming pool | swimming |
Length | 12 (m) |
Width | 4.5 (m) |
Maximum depth | 0.58 (m) |
Minimum depth | 0.38 (m) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Additional information | Veetemperatuuri mõõtmine elektrooniline |
Swimming |

Organisation | Sport |
D7 Tantsukool MTÜ | Cheerleading |
Jooksuklubi Jotai | Health sport (running and walking) |
Jüri Taekwondo Klubi | Taekwondo ITF, Taekwondo WTF |
Kayak Realm Sports Club MTÜ | Canoeing |
Kiili Spordiklubi | Basketball |
Marrandite Spekter MTÜ | Flying disc sports |
MTÜ DanceAct Tantsustuudio | Dancing sports |
MTÜ Danceda Tantsustuudio | Dancing sports |
MTÜ Harju Jalgpallikool | Football |
MTÜ Mikata | Judo |
MTÜ Rae Koss | Basketball |
MTÜ Tantsukool Elite | Dancing sports |
MTÜ UP Sport | Athletics |
ProLevel Dance Club | Dancing sports |
Spordiklubi Fortuna | Underwater sports, Swimming |
Spordiklubi Keila Swimclub | Swimming |
Spordiklubi Raesport | Athletics, Volleyball |
Võimlemisklubi Piruett | Gymnastics |