The Estonian Sports Yearbook 2022 has been published

The restoration of the competition calendar to the level as it was before the Corona years has once again expanded this publication to more than 600 pages!

Thanks to the comprehensive databases of the Estonian Sports Register, the results of Estonian athletes and data that help to understand the meaning of sports have been recorded in Estonian sports yearbooks for quite a long time. The current book contains the results part (including Estonian athletes' record 327 medals from international title competitions in tables), as well as graphs, tables and facts covering the whole of Estonia, its counties and all sports practiced (participants, coaching qualifications, sports organisations, sports facilities) and calculations of medal wins by athletes and sports clubs - all are largely based on Estonian in the sports register. The data is supplemented by sports managers' retrospectives and evaluations about the year passed. Numerous photos help capture the year's emotions, bright moments and moods. The book starts with the address of the Ministry of Culture's Undersecretary of Sports, there is also a comprehensive chronicle of the events of the sports year, i.e. the year round, a list of the achievements of veterans and seniors, the best athletes and the most important sports figures of Estonia who have passed away.

Sports yearbook 2022 can be purchased from the online store of Spordikoolitus ja -Teabe SA (previous yearbooks can also be purchased there) or from Apollo and Rahva Raamat stores in Estonia. A sports fan can find a stream of results larger than the book at

The authors and compilers of the yearbook are Daimar Lell, Aare Oja, Matis Song and Veiko Ulp. Toivo Kivimets summarized the sports of veterans and seniors. The book is published by the Estonian Foundation of Sports Education and Information.
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