INT organisation's name in estonianINT nameMember since
Rahvusvaheline Golfi LiitInternational Golf Federation (IGF)1999
Euroopa Golfi LiitEuropean Golf Association (EGA)1999
AS Eesti Golfikeskus10095562
AS EGCC10872617
AS White Beach Development10816814
Estonian Tour Players Club80548367Sports club
MTÜ EGSS80578440Sports club
MTÜ Estonian Golf and Country Club80184907Sports club
MTÜ Rae Golfiklubi80399884Sports club
MTÜ Valgeranna Golfiklubi80168630Sports club
Niitvälja Golfiklubi80040226Sports club
OÜ Golfer10021233
Rae Golf OÜ14130108
SA Saaremaa Golf and Country Club90014773Sports club
Saare Golf OÜ12461806
Tartu Golfiklubi80200983Sports club
Virumaa Golfiklubi MTÜ80413377Sports club