• Rakvere Palermo terviserajad
  • Outdoor trail
    Other outdoor sports facility
  • Date of data 24.01.2024
  • Built 1999
  • Lilleoru tn 20, Rakvere linn, Lääne-Viru maakond
  • Palermo linnaosa, radade algus Tammiku tänavalt
  • Tammiku tn 17, Rakvere linn, Lääne-Viru maakond
  • info@rakverespordikeskus.ee
  • +372 327 8200
  • 2km ja 3km pikkused valgustatud tervise- ja suusarajad

Jõulinnak - 1

Outdoor gym
gymnastics for all, bodybuilding and fitness
EquipmentOmnigym muudetavate raskustega trenazörid. Kükitrenazör, rinnaltsurumise trenazör, ülatõmbetrenazör, kolme positsiooni sasaldav kerelihaste trenazör, jalapress
Additional informationLisaks on kohe kõrval ka väikelaste mängukeskus/ronimislinnak. Koosneb: liurenn, 4 platvormi erinevatel kõrgustel, ronimisalad (redel, võrk, köied)

Gymnastics for all

Bodybuilding and fitness

Palermo terviserajad

Outdoor trail
nordic walking, MTB, health sport (running and walking)
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishTammiku tn parklas
Descriptiontõusudega, radade pikkus: 2 km ja 3 km, pinnakate: looduslik, saepuru
Number of different tracks3
Length of the track3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Length of the track2000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Length of the track3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik

Nordic walking


Health sport (running and walking)

Palermo suusarajad

Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finish100m Tammiku tänavalt
Descriptiontõusudega; radade pikkus: 2 km ja 3 km
Artificial snowno
Number of different trails3
Length of the trail2000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Maximum climb (m)
Total climb (m)
Length of the trail3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 800 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Length of the trail3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2200 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)

Cross country skiing


Juhised Google Mapsis
KF SuusaklubiCross country skiing
Lääne-Virumaa Spordiveteranide KoondisNordic walking, Skiing
MTÜ Janete HuviringCycling sport
Rakvere kergejõustikuklubi ViKeAthletics
Rakvere OrienteerumisklubiOrienteering