Purposeathletics and soccer stadium
Length of the stadium130 (m)
Width of the stadium60 (m)
Oval running trackyes
Length of the oval running track275 (m)
Number of the lanes in bends4
Number of the lanes at the front straight4
Number of the lanes at the opposite straight4
Water jumpno
Number of the straights1
Surfacesynthetic surface
Specification of the track surfacetartaankatend
Year of the surface installation2015
Midfield footballl fieldyes
Length of the football field70 (m)
Width of the football field40 (m)
Midfield surfaceartificial turf
Specification of the midfield surface
Year of the midfield surface installation2015
Long and triple jump areas 2
Pole vault areas
High jump areas
Javelin throwing areas
Shot put throwing circles1
Discus and hammer throw circle
Artificial lightyes
Illuminance75 (lx)
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Stationary seats14
Portable seats50
Other seats
Incl. sheltered seats
Seats in total64
Additional informationVideovalve.



Soccer fields/pitches1
Soccer fields with minimum requirements (min 90x45m)
Soccer fields with international requirements (min 90x45m)
Area364 (m2)
Length 26 (m)
Width14 (m)
Specification of the surfacetartaankatend
Artificial lightyes
Additional informationSaab mängida õhtuti -valgustus korralik.


Standard basketball courts (28x15m)
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m)
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m)
Basketball courts (26x14m)1
Basketball courts (24x13m)
Simultaneously usable mini-basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)2
Võrkpalliplats - 1
Area162 (m2)
Length 18 (m)
Width9 (m)
Surfaceartificial turf
Specification of the surface
Artificial lightyes
Additional informationSaab kasutada ka rahvastepalli mängimiseks.


Standard volleyball courts (18x9m)1
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m)
Standard volleyball courts with international requirements (34x19x12,5m)
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m)1
Simultaneously usable mini-volleyball courts (13,4x6,1m)
Võrkpalliplats - 2
Area171 (m2)
Length 19 (m)
Width9 (m)
Specification of the surfacetartaankatend
Artificial lightyes
Additional information


Standard volleyball courts (18x9m)1
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m)
Standard volleyball courts with international requirements (34x19x12,5m)
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m)1
Simultaneously usable mini-volleyball courts (13,4x6,1m)
Võimlemis- ja ronimsala
EquipmentStaadionist põhjapoole on tartaankattega võimlemisala, mis koosneb ca 300 m² suurusest vabast alast ning võimlemisvahenditega alast. Võimlemisvahendeid (välitrenažööre) on kolm. Võimlemisala kõrval on laastupuru kattega takistusrada, kus asuvad erinevad redelid, poom, ronimissein ja rehvidest takistusrada.
Additional information

Gymnastics for all