Lasnamäe Sportmängude Maja staadion ja spordiväljakud
StaadionStadium | football, athletics |
Purpose | athletics and soccer stadium |
Length of the stadium | 180 (m) |
Width of the stadium | 65 (m) |
Oval running track | yes |
Length of the oval running track | 400 (m) |
Water jump | no |
Straight | yes |
Number of the straights | 1 |
1. | |
Length of the straight | 100 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 6 |
Surface | synthetic surface |
Specification of the track surface | 13 mm paksune naelikukindel tartaankate Porplastic Race SB |
Year of the surface installation | 2018 |
Midfield footballl field | no |
Length of the football field | 42 (m) |
Width of the football field | 25 (m) |
Midfield surface | artificial turf |
Specification of the midfield surface | Elastse aluskihiga Saltex jalgpallimuru (40 mm) |
Year of the midfield surface installation | 2018 |
Long and triple jump areas | 1 |
Shot put throwing circles | 1 |
Artificial light | yes |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Stationary seats | 200 |
Seats in total | 200 |
Additional information | Staadioni 400m betoonkattega ringrada kasutatakse suvel kiir-rulluisutamiseks (rollerirada), talvel kiiruisutamiseks (uisuringrada). Kunstmurukattega keskväljakul (112x42m) on märgistatud ristipidi 4 jalgpalliväljakut (42x25m), keskväljakut kasutatakse ka ragbiväljakuna. 125m pikkune kaugushüppekastiga jooksurada ja kuulitõukesektor asuvad staadioni kõrval. |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 4 |
Athletics |
RagbiväljakOther outdoor ballgame court | rugby |
Area | 4704 (m2) |
Length | 112 (m) |
Width | 42 (m) |
Surface | artificial turf |
Artificial light | yes |
Additional information | Ragbiväljak asub staadioni keskväljakul |
Rugby | |
Rugby fields | 1 |
Size of the rugby field(s) | 100 x 42 |
RolleriradaRoller skiing track | speed roller skating |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Lasnamäe Sportmängude Maja staadionil |
Description | Tasane (staadioni ringrada) |
Number of different tracks | 1 |
1. | |
Length of the track | 400 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 400 (m) |
Width of the track | 10 (m) |
Speed roller skating |
UisuringradaOutdoor rink | speed skating |
Area | 4000 (m2) |
Length | 400 (m) |
Width | 10 (m) |
Artificial light | yes |
Season | winter season |
Additional information | Kiiruisuringrada, olemas vajalikud turvamatid |
Speed skating |
KorvpalliplatsOutdoor basketball court | basketball |
Area | 608 (m2) |
Length | 32 (m) |
Width | 19 (m) |
Surface | other |
Specification of the surface | Snapsport Duracourt |
Artificial light | yes |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 2 |
JõulinnakOutdoor gym | gymnastics for all |
Equipment | Erineva laiusega topelt-rööbaspuud, topelt-kõhulihastepink, madalad rööbaspuud, 2-meetrine lõuatõmbekang, Monkey-bar horisontaal-, kald- ja vertikaalredel, kolmnurk-kang, lõuatõmbepuur, erinevatel kõrgustel lõuatõmbekangid |
Gymnastics for all |
RannavõrkpalliplatsOutdoor beach volleyball court | beach volleyball |
PickleballiväljakudOther outdoor ballgame court |
Area | 608 (m2) |
Length | 32 (m) |
Width | 19 (m) |
Surface | asphalt |
Artificial light | no |
Additional information | Pickleballi (tennis) välisväljakud 3 tk on kasutatavad suvehooajal. Väljakute pind on värvitud siniseks, jooned valged, piiratud aiaga. Postid/võrgud paigaldatakse suvehooajaks. Pickleballiväljak on ristkülikukujuline, mille mõõdud on 13,41 x 6,10 m nii üksik- kui ka paarismängus. Soovitatavad väljakute mõõdud koos vabaalaga on 18,29 x 9,14 m. |
TeqballiväljakudOther outdoor ballgame court |
Area | 608 (m2) |
Length | 32 (m) |
Width | 19 (m) |
Surface | asphalt |
Artificial light | no |
Additional information | Teqballi (jalgpall) välisväljakud 2 tk on kasutatavad suvehooajal. Lauad 2 tk asuvad väljakul ristipidi. Väljakud ei ole joonitud. Teqballiväljaku ametlikud mõõdud koos vabaalaga on vähemalt 16 x 12 m. |
Organisation | Sport |
Infonet JK MTÜ | Football |
Jalgpalliklubi FC Ararat | Football |
Jalgpalliklubi FC Ararat Jalgpallikool | Football |
MTÜ Jalgpallikool FC Tallinn | Football |
MTÜ JK Sparta Maardu | Football |
MTÜ Uisusport | Roller skating, Skating |
Tallinna Kiiruisuklubi | Roller skating, Skating |