• Pirita Spordikeskuse tervise- ja suusarajad
  • Outdoor trail
    Other outdoor sports facility
  • Date of data 27.02.2025
  • Renovation 2016
  • Rummu tee 3, Pirita linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond
  • Pirita jõe vasakkaldal Pirita jõe, Rummu tee, Kose tee ja Lükati tee vahelisel alal (s.o Velodroomil)
  • velodroom@tsk.ee; info.pirita@tsk.ee
  • +372 6008333, +372 6239148, +372 6232153
  • Pirita valgustatud tervise- ja suusarajad asuvad Pirita jõeoru maastikukaitsealal. Lisaks jõulinnakud, lastesuusarada.

Pirita valgustatud terviserajad

Outdoor trail
nordic walking, MTB, health sport (running and walking)
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishPirita Velodroom, Rummu tee 3
DescriptionTasane, tõusude ja langustega
Number of different tracks8
Length of the track7200 (m)
Length of the lighted part 7200 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track450 (m)
Length of the lighted part 450 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track1500 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1500 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track1900 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1900 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track3800 (m)
Length of the lighted part 3800 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track3200 (m)
Length of the lighted part 3200 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track4000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 4000 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Length of the track300 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track2.5 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfaceOsaliselt kaetud puidulaastudega
Additional information1. Pirita suur ring 7,2km; 2. Kabeliring, 450m; 3. Kuusering, 1,5km; 4. Velodroom-Suusasild, 1,9km; 5. Velodroom-Suusasild-Velodroom, 3,8km; 6. Kloostrimetsa ring, 3,2km; 7. Kloostrimetsa-Ambrose ring, 4km; 8. Lasterada 300 m.

Nordic walking


Health sport (running and walking)

Pirita valgustatud suusarajad

Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishPirita Velodroom, Rummu tee 3
DescriptionTasane, tõusude ja langustega
Artificial snowyes
Number of different trails7
Length of the trail7200 (m)
Length of the lighted part 7200 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Maximum climb20 (m)
Total climb68 (m)
Length of the trail450 (m)
Length of the lighted part 450 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Length of the trail1500 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1500 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Length of the trail1900 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1900 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Length of the trail3800 (m)
Length of the lighted part 3800 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Length of the trail3200 (m)
Length of the lighted part 3200 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Length of the trail4000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 4000 (m)
Width of the trail4 (m)
Additional information1. Pirita suur ring 7,2km; 2. Kabeliring, 450m; 3. Kuusering, 1,5km; 4. Velodroom-Suusasild, 1,9km; 5. Velodroom-Suusasild-Velodroom, 3,8km; 6. Kloostrimetsa ring, 3,2km; 7. Kloostrimetsa-Ambrose ring, 4km.

Cross country skiing

Pirita jõeoru matkarada

Outdoor trail
health sport (running and walking), nordic walking, MTB
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishPirita Velodroom, Rummu tee 3
Number of different tracks1
Length of the track2000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track5 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacelooduslik, puitlaastud, paesõelmed
Additional informationRada on valgustamata

Health sport (running and walking)

Nordic walking


Pirita jõeoru matkaraja suusarada

Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishPirita Velodroom, Rummu tee 3
Artificial snowyes
Number of different trails1
Length of the trail2000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the trail5 (m)
Maximum climb (m)
Total climb (m)
Additional informationRada on valgustamata

Cross country skiing

Kochi kabeli jõulinnak

Outdoor gym
gymnastics for all, bodybuilding and fitness
EquipmentElemendid: 1) Monkey-bar, koos kaldredeliga 2) Lõuatõmbekang (laius 2 meetrit) 3) Lõuatõmbe puur (kolme erineva kõrgusega kangid) 4) Kolmnurk-lõuatõmbekang koos humanflag vertikaaltoruga 5) Madalad rööbaspuud 6) Suured rööbaspuud (Kahel erineval kõrgusel) 7) Dragonflag kõhulihaste pink.
Additional informationJõulinnak asub Pirita jõe vasakkaldal, Velodroomilt mõõdetuna umbes 200 m kaugusel terviseraja ääres.

Gymnastics for all

Bodybuilding and fitness

Amrose mäe jõulinnak

Outdoor gym
gymnastics for all, bodybuilding and fitness
EquipmentElemendid: 1) Monkey-bar, koos kaldredeliga 2) Lõuatõmbekang-2 tk 3) Suured rööbaspuud (Kahel erineval kõrgusel) 4) Dragonflag kõhulihaste pink.
Additional informationJõulinnak asub Pirita jõe paremkaldal, Velodroomilt mõõdetuna umbes 2,5 km kaugusel terviseraja ääres.

Gymnastics for all

Bodybuilding and fitness

Lükati jõulinnak

Outdoor gym
gymnastics for all, bodybuilding and fitness
EquipmentPuidust elemendid.
Additional informationJõulinnak asub Pirita jõe vasakkaldal, Velodroomilt mõõdetuna umbes 2 km kaugusel terviseraja ääres Lükati suusasilla juures.

Gymnastics for all

Bodybuilding and fitness


Juhised Google Mapsis
Jooksuklubi StartHealth sport (running and walking)
MTÜ EST 2018Roller skating
MTÜ Kalevi JalgrattakoolCycling sport
MTÜ Mägiekspeditsioonide KlubiHiking sport
MTÜ Naiki SpordiklubiHealth sport (running and walking)
MTÜ SRD spordiklubiOrienteering
MTÜ Tallinna PurjelauakoolSailing
MTÜ TreeningpartnerAthletics
Spordiklubi CFCSkiing
Spordiklubi FortisAthletics
Spordiklubi LSF Pronoking TeamSkiing
Spordiklubi RewaltesSkiing
Spordiklubi WellrunAthletics
TA OrienteerumisklubiOrienteering
Tallinna JahtklubiSailing