Beach House Ülemiste
PurposeLiivahall erinevateks spordialadeks
Area1872 (m2)
Length 78 (m)
Width24 (m)
Height15 (m)
Portable partitions
Surface of the floorother
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floorliiv
Year of the floor installation
Stationary seats60
Portable seats
Other seats50
Seats in total110
Illuminance (lx)
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional information

Beach football

Beach soccer fields1
Size of the beach soccer field(s)32 x 20

Beach volleyball

Standard beach volleyball courts (16x8m)6
Standard beach volleyball courts with national requirements (22x14m)3
Standard beach volleyball courts with international requirements (36x18m)
Simultaneously usable beach volleyball courts6