Randvere Kooli ujula ja spordisaalid
UjulaIndoor swimming pool | swimming |
Length | 25 (m) |
Width | 10 (m) |
Number of the lanes | 4 |
Maximum depth | 1.8 (m) |
Minimum depth | 1.1 (m) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Additional information for the scoreboards | ei |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Stationary seats | 1 |
Additional information | istekohti ei ole |
Swimming |
Pallimängude saalSports hall (for ballgames) | basketball, handball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, futsal |
Area | 510 (m2) |
Length | 30 (m) |
Width | 17 (m) |
Height | 8 (m) |
Portable partitions | 1 |
Surface of the floor | wood |
Portable sports floor | no |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboards | 1 |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Additional information | Saalis olemas korvpallikorvid ka kahe ristipidi väljaku jaoks, aga ristipidi väljakud pole joontega märgitud. Saalijalgpalliväljak pole joontega märgitud. |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 2 |
Handball | |
Reduced handball courts (30-39x17-19m) | 1 |
Reduced handball courts (30-39x17-19m) | 30x17 |
Simultaneously usable handball courts | 1 |
Volleyball | |
Standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 1 |
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 1 |
Badminton | |
Simultaneously usable badminton courts (13,4x6,1m) | 2 |
Badminton courts with sufficient clear space | 2 |
Tennis | |
Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m) | 1 |
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable tennis courts | 1 |
Futsal | |
Size of the futsal field(s) | puuduvad |
Aeroobikasaal 117m2(Aerobics) Studio | group trainings, gymnastics for all |
Area | 117 (m2) |
Length | 18 (m) |
Width | 6.5 (m) |
Height | 3 (m) |
Surface of the floor | PVC |
Portable sports floor | no |
Mirror wall | yes |
Handrail | yes |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Group trainings | |
Gymnastics for all |

Organisation | Sport |
Korvpalliklubi Viimsi | Basketball |
MTÜ Nordswim Viimsi | Swimming |
MTÜ Spordiklubi Martin Reimi Jalgpallikool | Football |
MTÜ Tallinna Käsipalliakadeemia | Handball |
OÜ Rein Ottosoni Purjespordikool | Sailing |
Spordiklubi Lindon | Athletics |
Spordiklubi Viimsi HC | Handball |
Spordiklubi Viimsi Veeklubi | Swimming |
Viimsi Lauatenniseklubi | Table tennis |