• Sindi tervise- ja suusarajad
  • Outdoor trail
  • Date of data 30.01.2024
  • Built 2008
  • Sõpruse park P1, Sindi linn, Tori vald, Pärnu maakond
  • Uus tn 3, Sindi linn, Tori vald, Pärnu maakond
  • Uus tn 5, Sindi linn, Tori vald, Pärnu maakond
  • arvid.arroval@sindi.ee
  • +372 445 1886
  • 1,8km, 2,5km, 3km pikkused jooksu- ja suusarajad.

Sindi terviserajad

Outdoor trail
health sport (running and walking)
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishPärnu mnt 12 raekoja ees
Number of different tracks3
Length of the track1800 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1800 (m)
Width of the track2 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Length of the track2500 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1800 (m)
Width of the track2 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Length of the track3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1800 (m)
Width of the track2 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Additional informationrohumaa

Health sport (running and walking)

Sindi suusarajad

Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishPärnu mnt 12 raekoja ees
Artificial snowno
Number of different trails3
Length of the trail1800 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1800 (m)
Width of the trail2 (m)
Maximum climb3 (m)
Total climb (m)
Length of the trail2500 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1800 (m)
Width of the trail2 (m)
Maximum climb3 (m)
Total climb (m)
Length of the trail3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1800 (m)
Width of the trail2 (m)
Maximum climb3 (m)
Total climb (m)

Cross country skiing


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