Kohila Spordikeskus
Suur saalSports hall (for ballgames) | basketball, volleyball, futsal, tennis, floorball |
Area | 1188 (m2) |
Length | 44 (m) |
Width | 27 (m) |
Height | 10 (m) |
Portable partitions | 2 |
Surface of the floor | wood |
Portable sports floor | no |
Specification of the floor | saarepuu laudpõrand |
Year of the floor installation | 2004 |
Portable seats | 200 |
Other seats | 100 |
Illuminance | 900 (lx) |
Seats in total | 300 |
Electronic scoreboards | 1 |
Additional information for the scoreboards | Mudel STRAMATEL 44850 LE CELLIER |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Additional information | Saali mänguväljakute osa mõõtmed on 44X23m, saali mõõtmed teeb suuremaks pikemas küljes paiknev tartaankattega jooksurada ja teivashüppepaik. Istekohtadeks teleskooptribüün (200 kohta) + kahesüsteemne (istepinkideks seatav) varbsein (100 kohta). Lisaks normaalmõõtmetega korvpalliväljakule (28X15m, saali keskel) on olemas veel korvpalliväljakud mõõtmetega 27X15m (paikneb nihkega saali ühte äärde) ja 21X12 (paikneb ristipidi saali teises otsas). Korvpallikorvid on normaalkõrgusel. Saalihokiväljakul on joontega märgistatud ainult piirjooned (40x20m) ilma väravaala tähistuseta. Saalihoki standardsed väravad ja poortid puuduvad. |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 2 |
Volleyball | |
Standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 4 |
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 3 |
Futsal | |
Futsal fields | 1 |
Size of the futsal field(s) | 40x20 |
Tennis | |
Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m) | 1 |
Tennis courts with major requirements (40,23x20,11m) | 1 |
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable tennis courts | 1 |
Floorball | |
Reduced floorball fields (36-39x18-19m) | puuduvad (m) |
Väike saalOther special sports hall | volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball, athletics, badminton |
Purpose | pallimängud, kaugus-, kõrgushüpe |
Area | 288 (m2) |
Length | 24 (m) |
Width | 12 (m) |
Height | 6 (m) |
Surface of the floor | other |
Portable sports floor | no |
Specification of the floor | põrandal tartaankate, saali nurgas kaugushüppekast (tavaolukorras kaetud tartaan plaatidega), hooraja max pikkus 25m |
Year of the floor installation | 2004 |
Illuminance | 700 (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Additional information for the scoreboards | - |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Additional information | lisaks võrkpallijoontele on märgitud maha ka sulgpalli jooned, paigaldatud 2 korvpallilauda |
Volleyball | |
Standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 1 |
Rhythmic gymnastics | |
Gymnastic pad | no |
Basketball | |
Athletics | |
Badminton | |
Simultaneously usable badminton courts (13,4x6,1m) | 1 |
Badminton courts with sufficient clear space | 1 |
Tartaankattega jooksuradaAthletics hall | athletics |
Description | Kolmerajaline tartaankattega jooksurada üldpikkusega 78m. Saab joosta 60m (ka tõkkeid), elektriaja võimalus. |
Athletics |
Aeroobikasaal(Aerobics) Studio | group trainings, gymnastics for all |
Area | 72 (m2) |
Length | 12 (m) |
Width | 6 (m) |
Height | 2.2 (m) |
Surface of the floor | linoleum |
Portable sports floor | no |
Year of the floor installation | 2004 |
Mirror wall | yes |
Handrail | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Group trainings | |
Gymnastics for all |
JõusaalGym | powerlifting, bodybuilding and fitness, weightlifting |
Area | 58 (m2) |
Surface of the floor | rubber |
Year of the floor installation | 2004 |
Equipment | 2 sõudeergomeetit, crosstrainer, jooksulint, veloergomeeter, masinad: hack-kükk jajapress, plokkseade üla/alatõmme, plokkseade ristivedu, dep/alakõht koos lõuatõmbega, scott-biitsepsipink, seljasirutuspink, horisontaal-kaldpind reguleeritav 0-90, reiesirutaja-kõverdaja, rooma tool väike jõutõstepink, jõutõstekang koos ketastega, kummeeritud hantlid (12, 14, 16, 20, 22kg), hantlid 1-10kg koos riiuliga |
Powerlifting | |
Bar(bell) | yes |
Squat stand | no |
Press bench | yes |
Bodybuilding and fitness | |
Weightlifting | |
Podium | no |
LauatennisOther indoor sports facility | table tennis |
Description | Lauatennist saab mängida II korruse fuajees |
Table tennis | |
Simultaneously usable standard table tennis table | 3 |

Organisation | Sport |
Kohila Spordiklubi | Athletics, Basketball |
Kohila Taipoksi klubi | Muay Thai |
Kohila Võrkpalliklubi | Volleyball |
MTÜ Gaudeo | Gymnastics |
MTÜ Kohila Armwrestling Club | Other sports |
MTÜ Kohila Jalgpallikool | Football |
Rapla Jooksuklubi | Athletics |
Rapla Judoklubi | Judo |
Rapla Spordiveteranide Koondis | Table tennis, Petanque, Volleyball |
Spordiklubi Neemeco | Volleyball |