Jõgeva treeningstaadion
Jõgeva linna abistaadionStadium | football, athletics |
Purpose | athletics and soccer stadium |
Length of the stadium | 106 (m) |
Width of the stadium | 65 (m) |
Oval running track | yes |
Length of the oval running track | 267 (m) |
Water jump | no |
Straight | no |
Length of the straight | (m) |
Surface | rubber |
Midfield footballl field | yes |
Length of the football field | 90 (m) |
Width of the football field | 45 (m) |
Midfield surface | grass |
Specification of the midfield surface | tavaline muru |
Long and triple jump areas | 1 |
Shot put throwing circles | 1 |
Artificial light | no |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Additional information | Staadion on amortiseerunud, kergejõustiku harrastamiseks mõeldud paigad on kehvas olukorras. Staadionit ei kasutata enam kergejõustiku võistlusteks, peamiselt mängitakse jalgpall. |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 1 |
Soccer fields with minimum requirements (min 90x45m) | 1 |
Athletics |

Organisation | Sport |
Jõgevamaa Spordiveteranide Klubi | Petanque |
MTÜ Jõgeva Spordiklubi Noorus-96 | Football |