• Uhtna Põhikooli tervise- ja spordipark
  • Outdoor trail
    Other outdoor sports facility
  • Date of data 31.01.2024
  • Built 2011
  • Nooruse tn 18, Uhtna alevik, Rakvere vald, Lääne-Viru maakond
  • Nooruse tn 16, Uhtna alevik, Rakvere vald, Lääne-Viru maakond
  • margitlichtfeldt@hot.ee
  • +372 56212770
  • Liikumisrada, suusarada, jõulinnak

Uhtna Põhikooli tervise- ja spordipargi liikumisrada

Outdoor trail
health sport (running and walking)
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishStaadioni juures
Number of different tracks1
Length of the track1400 (m)
Length of the lighted part 900 (m)
Width of the track2.5 (m)
Surface of the trackpuidulaastud

Health sport (running and walking)

Uhtna Põhikooli tervise- ja spordipargi suusarada

Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing, health sport (running and walking)
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishStaadioni juures
Artificial snowno
Number of different trails1
Length of the trail1400 (m)
Length of the lighted part 900 (m)
Width of the trail2 (m)
Maximum climb (m)
Total climb (m)

Cross country skiing

Health sport (running and walking)

EquipmentErinevad välitrenažöörid (muruplatsil 32x27m)

Gymnastics for all


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