Abja-Paluoja valgustatud tervise- ja suusarada
TerviseradaOutdoor trail | health sport (running and walking) |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Abja Gümnaasiumi staadion |
Description | mõõdukate tõusudega |
Number of different tracks | 4 |
1. | |
Length of the track | 2000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2000 (m) |
Width of the track | 4 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
2. | |
Length of the track | 2500 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2500 (m) |
Width of the track | 4 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
3. | |
Length of the track | 3500 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2500 (m) |
Width of the track | 4 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
4. | |
Length of the track | 5400 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2500 (m) |
Width of the track | 4 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
Additional information | Abja tervise- ja suusaraja kasutajad saavad vajadusel kasutada Abja Gümnaasiumi riietus- ja pesemisruume, sauna ja garderoobi, kust toimub ka suusalaenutus ja discgolfi ketaste laenutus. |
Health sport (running and walking) |
SuusaradaCross-country ski trail | cross country skiing |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Abja Gümnaasiumi staadion |
Description | mitmekülgne, nii tasane kui ka korralike tõusudega. |
Artificial snow | no |
Number of different trails | 4 |
1. | |
Length of the trail | 2000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2000 (m) |
Width of the trail | 4 (m) |
Maximum climb | (m) |
Total climb | (m) |
2. | |
Length of the trail | 2500 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2500 (m) |
Width of the trail | 4 (m) |
Maximum climb | (m) |
Total climb | (m) |
3. | |
Length of the trail | 3500 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2500 (m) |
Width of the trail | 4 (m) |
Maximum climb | 20 (m) |
Total climb | 52 (m) |
4. | |
Length of the trail | 5400 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2500 (m) |
Width of the trail | 4 (m) |
Maximum climb | (m) |
Total climb | (m) |
Additional information | Rajad hooldatakse spetsiaalse rajamasinaga. |
Cross country skiing |
Abja-Paluoja discgolfi parkDisc golf course | disc golf |
Number of holes / bascet targets | 11 |
Description of course | Radade kogupikkus 976 m, par 35, tiialad märgistatud, raskusaste keskmine. |
Additional information | https://www.discgolfirajad.ee/park/abja-paluoja-discgolfi-park/ |
Disc golf |

Organisation | Sport |
MTÜ Sportivad Mulgid | Disc golf |