Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli spordihoone
Suur saalSports hall (for ballgames) | handball, futsal, basketball, volleyball, floorball |
Area | 1600 (m2) |
Length | 50 (m) |
Width | 32 (m) |
Height | 8 (m) |
Portable partitions | 2 |
Surface of the floor | wood |
Portable sports floor | no |
Specification of the floor | puitparkett |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Stationary seats | 1000 |
Illuminance | 800 (lx) |
Seats in total | 1000 |
Electronic scoreboards | 1 |
Additional information for the scoreboards | 2 |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Additional information | Saalijalgpalliväljaku spetsiifilised väljakujooned puuduvad, mängitakse 40x20m käsipalliväljakul, olemas väravad. |
Handball | |
Standard handball courts (40x20m) | 1 |
Standard handball courts with international championships requirements (44x24m. base area 48x28m) | 1 |
Reduced handball courts (30-39x17-19m) | puudub |
Simultaneously usable handball courts | 1 |
Futsal | |
Size of the futsal field(s) | puudub |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 4 |
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m) | 3 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 3 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 6 |
Volleyball | |
Standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 3 |
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m) | 2 |
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m) | 2 |
Floorball | |
Standard floorball fields (40x20m) | 1 |
Reduced floorball fields (36-39x18-19m) | puudub (m) |
Simultaneously usable floorball fields | 1 |
SulgpallOther sports hall | badminton |
Purpose | 2 sulgpalliväljakut |
Area | 205.9 (m2) |
Length | 29 (m) |
Width | 7.1 (m) |
Height | 5.6 (m) |
Surface of the floor | PVC |
Portable sports floor | no |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Illuminance | 500 (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Badminton | |
Simultaneously usable badminton courts (13,4x6,1m) | 2 |
Jõusaal IGym | powerlifting, bodybuilding and fitness, weightlifting |
Area | 315 (m2) |
Surface of the floor | PVC |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Equipment | Ergomeeterid, hantlid ja jõuseadmed erinevate lihasgruppide treenimiseks. |
Powerlifting | |
Bar(bell) | yes |
Squat stand | yes |
Press bench | yes |
Bodybuilding and fitness | |
Weightlifting | |
Podium | no |
Jõusaal IIGym | powerlifting, bodybuilding and fitness, weightlifting |
Area | 210 (m2) |
Surface of the floor | wood parquet |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Equipment | Ergomeetrid, hantlid ja jõuseadmed kõikide peamiste lihasgruppide treenimiseks. |
Powerlifting | |
Bar(bell) | yes |
Squat stand | yes |
Press bench | yes |
Bodybuilding and fitness | |
Weightlifting | |
Podium | no |
Aeroobikasaal I(Aerobics) Studio | group trainings |
Area | 216 (m2) |
Length | 36 (m) |
Width | 6 (m) |
Height | 5.6 (m) |
Surface of the floor | wood parquet |
Portable sports floor | no |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Mirror wall | yes |
Handrail | yes |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Group trainings |
Aeroobikasaal II(Aerobics) Studio | group trainings, gymnastics for all |
Area | 220 (m2) |
Length | 22 (m) |
Width | 10 (m) |
Height | 5.6 (m) |
Surface of the floor | wood parquet |
Portable sports floor | no |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Mirror wall | yes |
Handrail | yes |
Stationary sound amplifier system | yes |
Group trainings | |
Gymnastics for all |
JooksuradaAthletics hall | athletics |
Description | Jooksurada soojendusjooksu tegemiseks, rajad ei oled tähistatud. |
Athletics |
LauatennisOther sports hall | table tennis |
Purpose | 8 lauatenniselauaga harjutussaal |
Area | 304.8 (m2) |
Length | 63.5 (m) |
Width | 4.8 (m) |
Height | 5.5 (m) |
Surface of the floor | rubber |
Portable sports floor | no |
Specification of the floor | valatud kummisegu |
Year of the floor installation | 2001 |
Illuminance | 535 (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Additional information | 8 lauatenniselauda alaliselt üleval, eemaldatakse vajadusel |
Table tennis | |
Simultaneously usable standard table tennis table | 8 |
Organisation | Sport |
MTÜ Cheer Estonia | Cheerleading |
MTÜ TTÜ Korvpallikool | Basketball |
Nõmme Spordiklubi | Athletics, Table tennis |
Spordiklubi Fortis | Athletics |
Spordiklubi Los Toros | Basketball |
Spordiklubi Rewaltes | Volleyball |
Sportest Spordiklubi | Table tennis |
Sulgpalliklubi Superseeniorid | Badminton |
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Spordiklubi | Basketball, Table tennis, Volleyball |
Tallinna Võrkpalliklubi | Volleyball |