Kaitseliidu Männiku lasketiir
CISM takistusribaOther outdoor sports facility | other sports |
Description | Valminud ehitise puhul on tegemist sõjaväelise viievõistluse koosseisu kuuluva ja NATO standarditele vastava takistusribaga, mis hõlmab endas 20 erineva takistuse läbimist ning on 500 meetrit pikk. Takistuste vaheline rada on kaetud sileda asfaltkattega ning takistuste ületamiste maandumiskohtadel asetsevad liivaga täidetud pehmenduskastid. Ehitisregistri(EHR)kood 221279789 (Takistusriba). |
Other sports |
10m siselasketiir (õhkrelvad)Indoor shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 10 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 6 |
Incl. 10m moving target | 1 |
Electronic targets | no |
Additional information | Relva laenutamise võimalus. EHR kood 120560527 (üks ruum Männiku lasketiiru hoones). |
Shooting |
9m taktikaalaRifle shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 9 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 2 |
Electronic targets | no |
Additional information | EHR kood puudub. |
Shooting |
25m püstolitiirRifle shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 25 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 47 |
Electronic targets | no |
Additional information | EHR kood 220541569 (Sportpüstoli lasketiir). |
Shooting |
50m v/k lasketiirRifle shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 50 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 34 |
Electronic targets | no |
Additional information | EHR kood puudub. |
Shooting |
50m v/k finaaltiirRifle shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 50 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 10 |
Electronic targets | yes |
Additional information | Elektroonilised märklehed liigutatakse suurvõistluste kohtadesse (Narva, Elva, Männiku). EHR kood puudub. |
Shooting |
50m lasketiir liikuvate sihtmärkidegaRifle shooting range | shooting, practical shooting in hunting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 50 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 2 |
Incl. 10m moving target | 2 |
Electronic targets | no |
Additional information | EHR kood 220841560 (50 m liikuva sihtmärgi laskmise lasketiir). |
Shooting | |
Practical shooting in hunting |
100m t/k lasketiirRifle shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 100 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 23 |
Electronic targets | yes |
Additional information | Ühel pool 15 ja teisel pool 8 laskekohta, vahelt seinaga eraldatud. EHR kood 220841556 (100 m põrkeplaatidega lasketiir). |
Shooting |
300m t/k lasketiirRifle shooting range | shooting |
Maximum length of the shooting lines | 300 (m) |
Number of the firing points | 12 |
Electronic targets | yes |
Additional information | EHR kood 220841586 (300 m põrkeplaatidega lasketiir). |
Shooting |

Organisation | Sport |
Eesti Spordiselts Põhjakotkas | Shooting |
Kaitsejõudude Spordiklubi | Shooting |
Kaitseliidu Laskespordiklubi MäLK | Shooting |
Klubi Tajask | Shooting |
MTÜ Laskespordiklubi Armatus | Shooting |
MTÜ Laskespordiklubi Rewal | Shooting |
MTÜ Laskespordiklubi Taktikaline Grupp | Shooting |
MTÜ Long Range Shooting | Shooting |
MTÜ Männiku Reservväelaste Laskespordiklubi | Shooting |
MTÜ Pinpoint Accuracy | Shooting |
Männiku Sporting Klubi | Practical shooting in hunting |