Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskuse aula/spordisaal
Area319.36 (m2)
Length 26.68 (m)
Width11.97 (m)
Height7 (m)
Surface of the floorwooden floor
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floorpuuduvad jooned
Year of the floor installation2006
Portable partitions
Stationary seats
Portable seats
Other seats50
Seats in total50
Illuminance (lx)
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Stationary sound amplifier systemno
Additional informationaula/spordisaal on põhikasutusel aulana ja huvitegevuste läbiviimisel, osaliselt kasutatakse treeninguks, mis ei vaja statsionaarseid sportimisvahendeid.

Table tennis

Simultaneously usable standard table tennis table3

Street dance

Wushu kungfu