• Valgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse spordirajatised
  • Stadium
    Outdoor ballgame court
    Other outdoor sports ground
    Outdoor trail
    Alpine ski or snowboard trail
    Other outdoor sports facility
  • Date of data 05.01.2024
  • Renovation 2017
  • Valgehobuse, Mägede küla, Järva vald, Järva maakond
  • info@valgehobuse.ee
  • +372 6661122
  • Jalgrattasport, orienteerumine, kepikõnd, rullsuusatamine, -uisutamine. Rannavõrkpall, korvpall, tennis, discgolf, vibusport. Suusatamine, lumelaud, mäesuusatamine, lumerõngasõit, uisutamine.

Multifunktsionaalne palliväljak

Multifunctional outdoor ballgame court
basketball, tennis
Area420 (m2)
Length 28 (m)
Width15 (m)
Specification of the surfacePU kate
Artificial lightno
Additional informationPiiratud aiaga, istepingid.


Standard basketball courts (28x15m)1
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m)1
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)2


Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m)1
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m)1
Simultaneously usable tennis courts1


Outdoor beach volleyball court
beach volleyball
Area180 (m2)
Length 18 (m)
Width10 (m)
Depth of sand30 (cm)
Artificial lightyes
Additional informationVõimalus palli laenutada.

Beach volleyball

Standard beach volleyball courts (16x8m)1
Simultaneously usable beach volleyball courts1

Sportliku liikumise rada

Outdoor trail
nordic walking, health sport (running and walking)
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishValgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse peahoone
DescriptionVahelduvate tõusudega
Number of different tracks3
Length of the track3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the track8 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacekohati puidulaastud
Length of the track5000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the track8 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacekohati puidulaastud
Length of the track12000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track8 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacekohati puidulaastud
Additional informationKohati on rajad 4 meetri laiused. Keskuses on võimalik laenutada käimiskeppe. Ühendatud Kõrvemaa radadega.

Nordic walking

Health sport (running and walking)


Outdoor trail
hiking sport, MTB
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishValgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse peahoone
DescriptionRada kulgeb mööda metsateid ja sihte, rada on viidastatud
Number of different tracks1
Length of the track50000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track3 (m)
Surface of the trackkergkruus
Additional informationKeskusest on võimalik laenutada maastikuratast.

Hiking sport



Roller skiing track
speed roller skating, other roller skating disciplines
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishValgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse peahoone ees
Description4 m laiune asfaltrada
Number of different tracks1
Length of the track867 (m)
Length of the lighted part 867 (m)
Width of the track4 (m)
Additional informationKõrguste vahe madalaima ja kõrgeima punkti vahel on 13 m.

Speed roller skating

Other roller skating disciplines


Outdoor BMX racing track
BMX racing
Length of the track220 (m)
Width of the track3 (m)
Surface of the tracksoil
Specification of the surfacelooduslik pinnas
Artificial lightno

BMX racing

Discgolfi park

Disc golf course
disc golf
Number of holes / bascet targets 19
Description of courseRadade kogupikkus 2351m, par 63, tiialad märgistatud, raskusaste: keskmine (pigem edasijõudnutele).
Additional informationToimunud on rahvusvahelisi võistlusi, üks Eesti huvitavamaid radasid. Kasutusel on 3 sorti kettad: kaugmaa ketas, keskmaa ketas ja lähimaa ketas ehk putter. Rajapiletid ja laenutuskettad on saadaval keskusest.

Disc golf


Outdoor gym
gymnastics for all
EquipmentTõmmatava käepidemega tool, lükatava käepidemega tool, tõstemasin, jalapress, step/sammu masin, rotator/puusatreening, jalgade käärtreening, surfilaud, kõhulihaste pink

Gymnastics for all


archery, cross country skiing, football
Purposeother stadium
Length of the stadium162 (m)
Width of the stadium90 (m)
Oval running trackyes
Length of the oval running track280 (m)
Water jumpno
Length of the straight110 (m)
Lanes of the straight6
Specification of the track surfacepinnas, saepurulaast
Year of the surface installation-
Midfield footballl fieldyes
Length of the football field40 (m)
Width of the football field20 (m)
Midfield surfaceother
Specification of the midfield surfacepinnas, saepurulaast
Artificial lightyes
Illuminance (lx)
Electronic scoreboardno
Stationary sound amplifier systemno
Additional information110m stardi- ja finišijooned märgitakse vastavalt vajadusele (tähistatakse täispuhutava kaare vms-ga)


Cross country skiing


Soccer fields/pitches1


Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishValgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse suusastaadion, mis asub peahoone vahetus läheduses.
DescriptionErineva pikkuse ja raskusastmega rajad, olemas on A-kategooria tõus rahvusvahelisteks võistlusteks
Artificial snowyes
Number of different trails5
Length of the trail1000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1000 (m)
Width of the trail8 (m)
Length of the trail2000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the trail8 (m)
Length of the trail3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1200 (m)
Width of the trail8 (m)
Total climb57 (m)
Length of the trail5000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 2000 (m)
Width of the trail8 (m)
Maximum climb18 (m)
Total climb159 (m)
Length of the trail16000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the trail8 (m)
Additional informationTavaliselt on rajal üks klassikajälg ja vabatehnika rada. Kohati on rajad 4 meetri laiused. Keskuses on võimalik laenutada suusakeppe ja suuski. Osutatakse suusamääramise teenust ning olemas on suusamäärde laua kasutamise võimalus. Ühendatud Kõrvemaa radadega.

Cross country skiing

Mäesuusa- ja lumelauasõidu rada

Alpine ski or snowboard trail
alpine skiing, snowboarding
Length of the trail200 (m)
Width of the trail35 (m)
Height difference30 (m)
Level of difficultyeasy
Type of the liftKöistõstuk Multi Skiliftbau
Artificial snowyes
Artificial lightyes
Additional informationLumelaua, mäesuusa ja kiivrite laenutus. Lumelauakool.

Alpine skiing



Outdoor rink
figure skating, speed skating
Area450 (m2)
Length 30 (m)
Width15 (m)
Artificial lightyes
Seasonwinter season
Additional informationVäljak rajatakse piisava loodusliku jääkatte olemasolul. Uiskude laenutamine.

Figure skating

Speed skating


Juhised Google Mapsis
Hundiaugu SpordiklubiBiathlon
RR SuusaklubiSkiing