Valgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse spordirajatised
Multifunktsionaalne palliväljakMultifunctional outdoor ballgame court | basketball, tennis |
Area | 420 (m2) |
Length | 28 (m) |
Width | 15 (m) |
Surface | other |
Specification of the surface | PU kate |
Artificial light | no |
Additional information | Piiratud aiaga, istepingid. |
Basketball | |
Standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m) | 2 |
Tennis | |
Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m) | 1 |
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m) | 1 |
Simultaneously usable tennis courts | 1 |
RannavõrkpalliplatsOutdoor beach volleyball court | beach volleyball |
Sportliku liikumise radaOutdoor trail | nordic walking, health sport (running and walking) |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Valgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse peahoone |
Description | Vahelduvate tõusudega |
Number of different tracks | 3 |
1. | |
Length of the track | 3000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2000 (m) |
Width of the track | 8 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
Specification of the surface | kohati puidulaastud |
2. | |
Length of the track | 5000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2000 (m) |
Width of the track | 8 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
Specification of the surface | kohati puidulaastud |
3. | |
Length of the track | 12000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | (m) |
Width of the track | 8 (m) |
Surface of the track | looduslik |
Specification of the surface | kohati puidulaastud |
Additional information | Kohati on rajad 4 meetri laiused. Keskuses on võimalik laenutada käimiskeppe. Ühendatud Kõrvemaa radadega. |
Nordic walking | |
Health sport (running and walking) |
JalgrattamatkaradaOutdoor trail | hiking sport, MTB |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Valgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse peahoone |
Description | Rada kulgeb mööda metsateid ja sihte, rada on viidastatud |
Number of different tracks | 1 |
1. | |
Length of the track | 50000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | (m) |
Width of the track | 3 (m) |
Surface of the track | kergkruus |
Additional information | Keskusest on võimalik laenutada maastikuratast. |
Hiking sport | |
RolleriradaRoller skiing track | speed roller skating, other roller skating disciplines |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Valgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse peahoone ees |
Description | 4 m laiune asfaltrada |
Number of different tracks | 1 |
1. | |
Length of the track | 867 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 867 (m) |
Width of the track | 4 (m) |
Additional information | Kõrguste vahe madalaima ja kõrgeima punkti vahel on 13 m. |
Speed roller skating | |
Other roller skating disciplines |
BMX-radaOutdoor BMX racing track | BMX racing |
Length of the track | 220 (m) |
Width of the track | 3 (m) |
Surface of the track | soil |
Specification of the surface | looduslik pinnas |
Description | hüpped |
Artificial light | no |
BMX racing |
Discgolfi parkDisc golf course | disc golf |
Number of holes / bascet targets | 19 |
Description of course | Radade kogupikkus 2351m, par 63, tiialad märgistatud, raskusaste: keskmine (pigem edasijõudnutele). |
Additional information | Toimunud on rahvusvahelisi võistlusi, üks Eesti huvitavamaid radasid. Kasutusel on 3 sorti kettad: kaugmaa ketas, keskmaa ketas ja lähimaa ketas ehk putter. Rajapiletid ja laenutuskettad on saadaval keskusest. |
Disc golf |
JõulinnakOutdoor gym | gymnastics for all |
Equipment | Tõmmatava käepidemega tool, lükatava käepidemega tool, tõstemasin, jalapress, step/sammu masin, rotator/puusatreening, jalgade käärtreening, surfilaud, kõhulihaste pink |
Gymnastics for all |
SuusastaadionStadium | archery, cross country skiing, football |
Purpose | other stadium |
Length of the stadium | 162 (m) |
Width of the stadium | 90 (m) |
Oval running track | yes |
Length of the oval running track | 280 (m) |
Water jump | no |
Straight | no |
1. | |
Length of the straight | 110 (m) |
Lanes of the straight | 6 |
Surface | other |
Specification of the track surface | pinnas, saepurulaast |
Year of the surface installation | - |
Midfield footballl field | yes |
Length of the football field | 40 (m) |
Width of the football field | 20 (m) |
Midfield surface | other |
Specification of the midfield surface | pinnas, saepurulaast |
Artificial light | yes |
Illuminance | (lx) |
Electronic scoreboard | no |
Stationary sound amplifier system | no |
Additional information | 110m stardi- ja finišijooned märgitakse vastavalt vajadusele (tähistatakse täispuhutava kaare vms-ga) |
Archery | |
Cross country skiing | |
Football | |
Soccer fields/pitches | 1 |
SuusarajadCross-country ski trail | cross country skiing |
Track start and finish are together | yes |
Start and finish | Valgehobusemäe Suusa- ja Puhkekeskuse suusastaadion, mis asub peahoone vahetus läheduses. |
Description | Erineva pikkuse ja raskusastmega rajad, olemas on A-kategooria tõus rahvusvahelisteks võistlusteks |
Artificial snow | yes |
Number of different trails | 5 |
1. | |
Length of the trail | 1000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 1000 (m) |
Width of the trail | 8 (m) |
2. | |
Length of the trail | 2000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2000 (m) |
Width of the trail | 8 (m) |
3. | |
Length of the trail | 3000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 1200 (m) |
Width of the trail | 8 (m) |
Total climb | 57 (m) |
4. | |
Length of the trail | 5000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | 2000 (m) |
Width of the trail | 8 (m) |
Maximum climb | 18 (m) |
Total climb | 159 (m) |
5. | |
Length of the trail | 16000 (m) |
Length of the lighted part | (m) |
Width of the trail | 8 (m) |
Additional information | Tavaliselt on rajal üks klassikajälg ja vabatehnika rada. Kohati on rajad 4 meetri laiused. Keskuses on võimalik laenutada suusakeppe ja suuski. Osutatakse suusamääramise teenust ning olemas on suusamäärde laua kasutamise võimalus. Ühendatud Kõrvemaa radadega. |
Cross country skiing |
Mäesuusa- ja lumelauasõidu radaAlpine ski or snowboard trail | alpine skiing, snowboarding |
Length of the trail | 200 (m) |
Width of the trail | 35 (m) |
Height difference | 30 (m) |
Level of difficulty | easy |
Lift | yes |
Type of the lift | Köistõstuk Multi Skiliftbau |
Artificial snow | yes |
Artificial light | yes |
Additional information | Lumelaua, mäesuusa ja kiivrite laenutus. Lumelauakool. |
Alpine skiing | |
Snowboarding |
LiuväliOutdoor rink | figure skating, speed skating |
Area | 450 (m2) |
Length | 30 (m) |
Width | 15 (m) |
Artificial light | yes |
Season | winter season |
Additional information | Väljak rajatakse piisava loodusliku jääkatte olemasolul. Uiskude laenutamine. |
Figure skating | |
Speed skating |
Organisation | Sport |
Hundiaugu Spordiklubi | Biathlon |
RR Suusaklubi | Skiing |