• Keila Terviserajad
  • Other outdoor sports ground
    Outdoor trail
    Other outdoor sports facility
  • Date of data 29.02.2024
  • Built 2009
  • Ehitajate tee 13, Keila linn, Harju maakond
  • Tammiku tee 4, Keila linn, Harju maakond
  • tervisekeskus@keila.ee
  • +372 6737637
  • Liikumis- ja suusarajad 3-7,5 km, suusastaadion, rollerirada, 2 discgolfi parki, jõulinnak


Outdoor trail
health sport (running and walking), nordic walking
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishEhitajate tee 13, Keila
Descriptiontasane, väikeste tõusudega
Number of different tracks3
Length of the track6500 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track5 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacepinnas-, muru-, hakkepuidu kattega
Length of the track5000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track5 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacepinnas-, muru-, hakkepuidu kattega
Length of the track4000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track6 (m)
Surface of the tracklooduslik
Specification of the surfacepinnas-, muru-, hakkepuidu kattega

Health sport (running and walking)

Nordic walking


Other outdoor sports field
cross country skiing
PurposeStardi- ja finišiala
Area2800 (m2)
Length 70 (m)
Width40 (m)
Specification of the surfacetalvel lumi
Artificial lightyes

Cross country skiing


Cross-country ski trail
cross country skiing
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishEhitajate tee 13, Keila
Descriptiontasane, üksikute tõusudega
Artificial snowyes
Number of different trails4
Length of the trail7500 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the trail6 (m)
Maximum climb13 (m)
Total climb80 (m)
Length of the trail5000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the trail6 (m)
Maximum climb13 (m)
Total climb67 (m)
Length of the trail4000 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the trail6 (m)
Maximum climb13 (m)
Total climb34 (m)
Length of the trail3000 (m)
Length of the lighted part 3000 (m)
Width of the trail6 (m)
Maximum climb13 (m)
Total climb40 (m)

Cross country skiing


Roller skiing track
speed roller skating
Track start and finish are togetheryes
Start and finishSuure parkimisplatsi kõrval
DescriptionRaja märgistus on valge värviga
Number of different tracks3
Length of the track2500 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track3 (m)
Length of the track1700 (m)
Length of the lighted part 1700 (m)
Width of the track3 (m)
Length of the track700 (m)
Length of the lighted part (m)
Width of the track3 (m)
Additional information700 m ring on tasane ning sobib algajatele ja ratastooli kasutajatele.

Speed roller skating

Discgolfi park

Disc golf course
disc golf
Number of holes / bascet targets 18
Description of courseRadade kogupikkus 1481m, par 55, tiialad märgistatud, raskusaste: keskmine
Additional informationLisaks on olemas üks harjutuskorv

Disc golf

Discgolfi park (talverada)

Disc golf course
disc golf
Number of holes / bascet targets 18
Description of courseRadade kogupikkus 1196m, par 54, tiialad märgistatud, raskusaste: lihtne, sobiv algajatele

Disc golf


Outdoor gym
gymnastics for all
EquipmentNeli jõuseadet erinevate harjutuste sooritamiseks

Gymnastics for all


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