Suur saal
Area800 (m2)
Length 40 (m)
Width20 (m)
Height7 (m)
Portable partitions
Surface of the floorPVC
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floorväljakujooned: saalihoki, korvpall, võrkpall, tennis
Year of the floor installation1998
Stationary seats300
Portable seats
Other seats
Illuminance650 (lx)
Seats in total300
Electronic scoreboards1
Additional information for the scoreboardsspordialad: saalihoki, saalijalgpall, korvpall
Stationary sound amplifier systemyes
Additional informationSaalijalgpalliväljaku märgistus puudub, -väravad olemas. Olemas 24 sek kell.


Standard tennis courts for doubles (23,77x10,97m)1
Tennis courts with minimum requirements (34x16m)
Tennis courts with national requirements (35x17m)
Tennis courts with international requirements (36,6x18,3m)1
Tennis courts with major requirements (40,23x20,11m)
Standard tennis courts for singles (23,77x8,23m)1
Simultaneously usable tennis courts1


Futsal fields
Size of the futsal field(s)puudub


Standard volleyball courts (18x9m)1
Standard volleyball courts with national requirements (24x15x7m)
Standard volleyball courts with international requirements (34x19x12,5m)1
Simultaneously usable standard volleyball courts (18x9m)1
Simultaneously usable mini-volleyball courts (13,4x6,1m)


Standard basketball courts (28x15m)1
Standard basketball courts with international requirements (32x19m)1
Simultaneously usable standard basketball courts (28x15m)1
Basketball courts (26x14m)
Basketball courts (24x13m)
Simultaneously usable mini-basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)
Simultaneously usable street basketball courts (22x12m ja 20x11m)2


Standard floorball fields (40x20m)1
Reduced floorball fields (36-39x18-19m)
Reduced floorball fields (36-39x18-19m) ei (m)
Simultaneously usable floorball fields1
Area204 (m2)
Length of the mat covered area12 (m)
Width of the mat covered area12 (m)
Type of the matsurface of combat sports practicing area
Portable partitions
Electronic scoreboardno
Additional information for the scoreboards
Additional information


Standard wrestling mat (12x12m)yes
Area204 (m2)
Length 17 (m)
Width12 (m)
Height6 (m)
Surface of the floorwooden floor
Portable sports floorno
Specification of the floor
Year of the floor installation1998
Portable partitions
Mirror wallyes
Stationary sound amplifier systemno
Additional informationAeroobikasaalis saab tegeleda aeroobika ja võimlemise erinevate vormidega ning mängida lauatennist.

Table tennis

Simultaneously usable standard table tennis table4

Rhythmic gymnastics

Gymnastic padyes

Group trainings

Gymnastics for all

Area142 (m2)
Surface of the floorwooden floor
Specification of the floormõned kohad kaetud vaipkattega
Year of the floor installation2002
Portable partitions
Equipmentrinnalt surumise pink-1tk; rinnalt surumise kaldpink-1tk; biitsepsi pink-1tk; biitsepsi trenažöör-1tk; kätekõverduste raam-1tk; universaalne trenažöör-2tk; rippumiskang-1tk; rinna surumine selili-1tk; kõhulaud-1tk; sõudemasin JONSON JAR-1tk; sõudeergomeeter Consept2-1tk; Kettler veloergomeeter-1tk; Spinner veloergomeeter Spinner-1tk; jooksurada S-Series Club-1tk; hantlid -16 tk; tõstekang 20 kg-2tk; tõstekang 10 kg-2tk; varbsein-2 tk.
Additional information


Squat standyes
Press benchyes



Bodybuilding and fitness

Jõgeva KabeklubiDraughts
Jõgeva Spordiklubi TäheFloorball
Jõgevamaa Spordiveteranide KlubiChess, Volleyball
Jõu ja Tervise SeltsBodybuilding and fitness
MTÜ FC Jõgeva WolvesFootball
MTÜ Fitness OfficePowerlifting, Bodybuilding and fitness
MTÜ Jõgeva Spordiklubi Noorus-96Football
Ramm, Jõgeva raskejõustikuklubiWrestling, Sumo